CB seahorses w/ CB pipefish?


nyc joe

I have decided to go with the Mustangs (erectus)
and look the look of the banded pipefish (beetlejuice!)
There are no CB pipefish anywhere? or are there?
How bad of an idea is it to mix these guys.
I dont want to spend a few $100 bucks to have my seahorses die of parasites, but i would like to have a little hand a it.
So a QT. what would be recommended. a regimen of drugs and about 4 weeks? what do you suggest.
To not do this, anyone know of CB for pipefish?
Thanx again


Active Member
I dont know of anywhere with captive bred pipes. They are cool, but I would not chance it.
pm me about your mustangs please.


There are no CB banded pipes in the US, unfortunately. They are being captive bred outside the US, but so far nobody has imported them for many reasons. Cost, being the main one I believe.
A QT of WC pipes along with de-worming and treating for external parasites makes things slightly safer - but no QT or meds will make WC pipes as 'safe' as CB. There are still pathogen issues and the risk of the pipes being carriers of things that CB seahorses have no immunity to.
Bluntly, if you do not want to take risks with the CB seahorses - then don't add any WC tankmates.
Unfortunately, what many don't realize is unless purchased as aquacultured, the clean-up-crews added to tanks are also at risk of introducing pathogens. WC snails, shrimps, foods can all carry things. Very, very few people QT their inverts before adding them to a tank.
Many things can be introduced into a tank simply by dropping a few nassarius snail in it that came from a pet stores tank, holding tank, or online suppliers tank. Realistically, that can happen from anything live that is added to your seahorse tank. So be REAL careful what you add - and know the source of everything.