CBS and Pistol.


Active Member
Will these two get along? I have a pistol shrimp right now that pretty much confines himself to the cave. He will have a wheeler watchman goby in a few days to be paired up with. If i get a CBS will it attack the pistol?


its uncertain what the cbs would do. sometimes they can be mean. you can add him but keep an eye on the 2, if any domestic violence occurs take one of the shrimps out.


Active Member
me too ...especially now in Missouri you can carry.........:eek:
These titles can be um.....pooping fish ;)


Active Member
wow they just now legalized that?
I thin kthe concealed weapon law here in texas has been around for some time. But thats not saying much coming from the state of the highest execution rate!!!
YYYYEEEEEHHHHAAAAWWWW (we need a cowboy smiley:rolleyes: )


Active Member
a friend of ours is a police officer is St. Louis. He told us about the lines to sign up for the classes. Kinda scary (the pepole that is) We put the cart before the horse. We passed the bill for the right to carry, BUT then didn't have time to regulate where you can carry, how, what etc. So our law agencies have been flooded with these people just "itchin' " to carry something.
They are facing a ton of paperwork/classes and permits. :D


Active Member
all i can say to people that want to carry guns is watch the movie "bowling for columbine" by michael moore. Very scary stuff how he puts it in perspective.


Active Member
yeah its out. I cried when they showed the footage from inside of columbine high school. It is just sick how two people can be so selfish to take that many peoples lives for no real reason. my ranting isnt going to change anything so im going to stop. Really sad movie. I watched it on video on demand.
An inanimate object possess no thought or rage, nor does it have the ability to carry out an action, without some form of human interaction.
That said, if you lay a loaded firearm on a table and stare at it for hours, all you will ever have is a loaded firearm that is laying on a table for hours... In order for the firearm to discharge, somebody must pull the trigger. That's where the responsibility begins and ends, with the person in control of the weapon.
A firearm is no more a weapon than a car or power drill in the hands of the wrong person.
As for "Bowling For Columbine", Michael Moore made a number of critical errors in that movie, and he did it on purpose to advance his cause. I do however agree that each and every senseless death is a tragedy, be it an intentional homicide or an accidental death.
FWIW: The FBI stats pertaining to firearms related deaths that were frequently touted throughout the program, include suicides and police action shootings (like the child molester/kidnapper that was shot in the head while holding a young girl at gunpoint in California). ;)
Would anyone care to discuss the number of children brutally killed each and every hour here in the United States alone, that will never be investigated as a homicide for a myriad of reasons..? :(
Michael Moore also never mentioned that the NRA has been lobbying for much stricter punishment guidelines for violent criminals. Personally, I feel mandatory capitol punishment is the correct answer!
Evil is in the heart of man, not machine... and Cain used a rock!


Active Member
bbq no, I work at a bbq restaraunt that serves......memphis style bbq. People say wow now im in texas i need to have some of that great bbq. Go to memphis if you want some kick ass bbq.
but as far as the laws go, yeah we have some pretty stupid ones. Car dealers can no longer put license plate holders on cars. The WHOLE license plate has to be exposed....i have no idea who thought of tht one.


Active Member
Crusty I am with you.....guns don't kill people, people do!! Corny I know, but it is simple and to the point. During a hand gun class that I took, there was a loaded glock on the floor of the class room the entire time. The point to be made that it was doing no harm until one of us decided to pick it up. also mention that we received a gun lock compliments of the NRA. (my Dad whom is a Colonel in the Army will tell you....I am a memeber of the NRA and I vote ...yikes....) My reference to Columbine was that there were several huge mistakes. Those kids were in trouble and I don't understand how it got that far. As a parent I don't ever want to have ignorance as my defense nor do I ever want to take the "it would never happen in my home" attitude
And if you want good BBQ....come to my back yard :D
The license plate thing is obviously absurd, but as far as crime & punishment go, Texas does it right.
-- Ahhh, where do I begin..?
As the developers of a nationwide "BBQ Review" feature forum, my partners and I have a bit of experience in that realm. I personally don't care for the Memphis style, nearly as much as the Texas/Oklahoma styles, but everyone has their particular preference. "Dickey's" is one my all-time favorite sauces, and "Angelos" has great briskett. "Elmers" in Tulsa probably has the best pork ribs, and "Johnny Rivers" in Orlando serves one helluva good pulled pork. "Ribb Doctors" in Clarksville, TN has the best smoked meats I've ever tasted, and "Blue's Hog" of Perry, MO probably beats the sauce from Dickey's, but I actually prefer to combine the 2 when cooking at home... Then of course "Arthur Bryants" in Kansas City makes a sandwhich that takes days to eat, and while most love their sauce, I personally don't care for the drier consistency.
Now, what were you saying again..? :D


Active Member
lol, i didnt know you were such a BBQ conneseur (sp) are you reffering to the angelos in fort worth? I love that place!
Maybe i have such mixed emotions about bbq because i am around the stuff every day. I come home reeking of it, and i have to take like 5 showers to get it out of my hair. Oh well, it still tastes damn good!