CBS eating red hermits?


New Member
:help: I was wondering if it is normal or if I just have a mean one, i have recently been finding skeletons of the red and thought maybe they were molting? wasnt worried, thought they were hiding until I saw today my cbs pull one from its shell an chomp him down. Any suggestions or do I need to find a new solution to the cbs living arangement/ anyone need a cbs that eats hermits?


I had a CBS, it grabbed my coral cat baby in mid swim and began to eat it's face. I couldn't save the cat after that. They can be nasty and will grab anything they can reach. I had this CBS for several months before it did that.


Originally Posted by draend
:help: I was wondering if it is normal or if I just have a mean one, i have recently been finding skeletons of the red and thought maybe they were molting? wasnt worried, thought they were hiding until I saw today my cbs pull one from its shell an chomp him down. Any suggestions or do I need to find a new solution to the cbs living arangement/ anyone need a cbs that eats hermits?
Hermits don't molt, they go to a new shell and will kill whoever is in the shell that they want (usually a snail).


New Member
Well that answers some questions I had, thx for all the info, my CBS must be close to 4-5" long an 3-4 wide, seems he has been eating alot of crab, i dont blame him, tasty an all, has molted 3 time in the last month
guess time to see if i cn trade him or had him in to my lfs


Originally Posted by draend
Well that answers some questions I had, thx for all the info, my CBS must be close to 4-5" long an 3-4 wide, seems he has been eating alot of crab, i dont blame him, tasty an all, has molted 3 time in the last month
guess time to see if i cn trade him or had him in to my lfs
See if they will give you store credit, if not, just hand him over. They can be quite nasty. It is funny, some people have no problem at all with them. I sold mine.


New Member
had no trouble for last 4 months with him then all of a sudden he got the taste for it. no problems with cleaners if i get one right? they totally passive?


thats really odd about the cbs my is about the same size as yours is but had no prblems with him. BUt if he is killin your crabs i guess it is time for him to go and cleaners are just fine.