CBS in sump


Active Member
A few months ago I had to break down a tank and use it for QT, so the CBS that was in there is now in my current DT. In January, I'll be setting up a 180g with a sump/fuge setup (currently don't have one). The CBS is kind of a pain, bugging my other shrimp, etc, so I was considering putting it in the fuge of the new tank once it's cycled. The question, though, is that if I put it in there, will it decimate any copepod population before they can really get going? I'd really like to allow them to breed, just don't want this guy annoying my other inverts too. If this will be a problem, anyone have any thoughts of what to do with this guy?


I'm in the same boat, my CBS is messing with my cleaners, I am thinking about putting him in my fuge. I doubt he would hurt the pod population, it's not there natural food. Plus if you have lots of micro alage then there will be plenty of places for the pods to hide and breed. My wife hates the idea of putting the CBS in the fuge. She loves him and I must admit, he is spectacular to look at.(HUGE) He is 10-12 inches from antane tip to antane tip.


Active Member
Originally Posted by donald
I'm in the same boat, my CBS is messing with my cleaners, I am thinking about putting him in my fuge. I doubt he would hurt the pod population, it's not there natural food. Plus if you have lots of micro alage then there will be plenty of places for the pods to hide and breed. My wife hates the idea of putting the CBS in the fuge. She loves him and I must admit, he is spectacular to look at.(HUGE) He is 10-12 inches from antane tip to antane tip.
Oye! That's big!
I suppose I could try to get credit from the LFS, since there isn't anyone fighting to keep him around, I just don't know if it would be worthwhile to get the couple dollars credit I might be able to wrangle.