CC and LS


Crushed coral will eventually work its way to the top. One of the big cons of crushed coral is that it traps a lot of detritus and must be 'vacuumed' regularly. The sand would be on top for a while, but eventually you'd end up how you started, but with an elevated level of cc. I started w/ cc in my tank and now I wish I had a dsb, but I didn't know about those when I started. Now I just can't bring myself to tear my tank apart to put in the dsb. I move every 3-4 years anyway, so I figure the next time I move I'll set up the dsb.


My LFS solves the dilemma by placing window screen on top of the CC, and then placing the live sand on top of the screen. This keeps the CC from working its way back to the top.


Oh k, thanx. I like the idea of the window screen. So besides the reason that CC traps deitrus, what else makes it not as good as Live Sand?
Many have been running succesful tanks with Crushed Coral, including myself. I feel the major drawback is that you have to vacuum it out. You have to vacuum, and vacuum, and vacuum some more. I have been vacuuming this stuff out for 5 yrs. now, and have got to the point where I hate to do it. It has become a chore that I would rather not do any more.


How do you vaccum yours? I don't. I don't have many fish or anything yet, so there isn't much to vacuum.
Does anyone object to putting LS over CC with a window screen seperating them?
I just use a syphon that I picked up at the fish store. I think it only cost a couple dollars. You will however have to get some kind of pale or tub to put the waste water in. I vacuum everytime I do a water change.

ed r

The crushed coral is not recommended for deep sand beds because of its large size and sharp edges. The best material for a DSB is very fine particle sand. The sharp edges on the CC can harm the critters that dwell in the sand. A functional DSB should not be stirred by the aquarist. Any vacuuming of the CC messes up the DSB. I dumped my CC when I switched out my sandbed a few weeks ago. I did not think it was worth saving. Read Dr. Ron Shimek's sand bed articles for the best information.
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I read that article that someone posted a link to. It said that you shouldn't get sandsifter, like starfish, horseshoes, things of that nature. I guess if i don't have very many of these sandsifters all will be fine since the microrganisms multiply so fast, or so i've heard.