CC cleanup crew

earl mosby

New Member
I have been reading posts all day about weather i should use
live sand or crushed coral and Iam guessing either one is fine
i have CC now and there seems to be no need to change
althought if i were to change now would be the time because
i have no live stock i just dont want to make the wrong decision
75 gal 100+lbs of Live rock, berlin turbo, 25 gal sump.


Active Member
your will find that most clean up crews like sand... not so sharp.. and acts like a filter (bacteria) (when u go deep 4" +) and imo looks better than cc


I decided to not switch to a DSB yet either, and I am going to soon start putting in fish besides my damsels. (I am down to two damsels because they are aggressive buggers). So, I as well am wondering what a good CC clean up crew would be.


I have a decorator crab that does a good job of turning over the crushed coral. I also have a horseshoe crab that digs into the cc and therfore keeps it looking clean. The decorator crab is questionable for a reef tank, since they like to stick stuff on their backs, so far mine has used nothing but cc as his decorations. The horseshoe is pretty cool,but he only makes a public appearance every couple of days.
My hermit crabs(blue leg and scarlet) and all my snails tend to stay on the live rock,and dont' do much for keeping the cc clean.
I also have a couple of peppermint shrimp that do a little bit on the bottom, but they mostly hang out on the lr also.


Like IchiroMariners, I use dwarf zebra hermits, they do a good job and they don't mess with anything on the LR(other than stuff I don't want) like other hermits can.