CC okay in hospital tank?


Its not like Ill have any inverts or anything that would benefit from a DSB...and obviouisly, I would be doing freqent water changes on the hospital/qt is CC okay to use in it? I know most meds will stay in the tank whether I go with sand or cc...
Drew :)


you should have no substrate in your qt,because like you said the med usally stays in there or a parasite that you had on a fish may also live in there, a small sponge filter and thermomiter(?sp?)has done well for me


If you dont have any bottom, does that mean you dont have any decorations? Or do you just wash them well between uses? I was planning on putting in one piece of base rock just to help comfort the that okay?
ALso, wont the bare bottom stress them out completely? Especially if they happen to be in there for a few weeks?
Drew :)


Many people run their show tanks with a bare bottom, and most I'd say run their hospital tanks like that. I have some base rock that I throw in...but it's really just a place to keep them temporarly so decorations aren't necessary either.


Staff member
No, you should not use substrate in a hospital tank for the reasons stated above, and yes, the bare-bottom reflections will stress fish out. To avoid this, you paint the bottom of the tank [on the outside always] black. You can additionally paint the back and sides. Also, yes, you do need comfort zones for your QT or hospital tank. Many use PVC rather than rocks, because rocks tend to absorb the med and, also, harbor the diseases. If you use rock, just make sure that you do not place that rock back in your display.