cc starfish and anenomie ?


New Member
i have two cc stars and a condy anenomie in my tank, i fed the two stars 1 shrimp each last nite, how often should i feed them this or is this just a treat once and a while? my condy also ate one, is it still the same? i shrimp a week? like the feeder fish i used to give him? and almost a disaster too, i was cleaning the tank the other day and the condy got loose and a few of his tentacles got caught in the powerhead and cut off, oooops!!! i thought he would die, but hes doing very well and just ate his shrimp last nite, will he be ok? there was no damage to his main body at all, im just curious!!! thanks all !!!! and one more quest, i was thinking of getting just another small hang on filter and ommiting the cartridge in it and putting some small pieces of live rock in there, would this be a good idea? i heard that helps a lot, i have a prizm skimmer on the back that works very well and a whisper 60 power filter too, and two powerheads, any input would be helpful!! thanks again !!!!:help:


Active Member
This doesn't answer your question, but chocolate chips are known to eat anemones. :)


Active Member
The way to go with anemones is to underfeed. Overfeeding and wrong lighting are the two biggest killers of anemones. I feed my anemones once a week with whatever seafood my girlfriends happens to have in the freezer. So far they have gobbled up fresh fish, fresh shrimp, and fresh oysters.
Make sure the pieces of food are as small as possible. It is actually recommended to blend the seafood up and squirt it onto the anemone with a syringe or baster. However, I have always fed my by hand with small scraps and they are doing fine.
I supplement these weekly feedings with phytoplankton every other day to two days directed by a syringe.


Active Member
I dont think phytoplankton really helps with anemones it is eather light or meaty food that you feed them and you should let them have bolth.
As far as CC stars they are also known to eat corals.