CC to DSB?


would it be possible to switch from CC to DSB? If so, how cloudy would the tank get and how long would it stay that way? I have a 29G with 45 lbs of live rock a CBS and some turbo snails.....also a pain in the neck blue damsel that can't seem to be caught.
i just changed mine it is possible my water was cloudy for a few days. make sure the dsb you get is already cycled or you could cause a cycle in your tank. i found some already cycled white sand at ***** in 20 and 10 pound bags. you should get some plexy glass to seperate you dsb from the cc so they don't mix and do your tank in fourths. one fourth a day. atleast thats what i did.


I changed over a well established 55 gallon. I took everything out...LR, CC, water, fish, inverts, everything. Put is buckets. Took the CC and put it in mesh media bags that you can get at the LFS. I put 100 pounds of Southdown Playsand from Home Depot in and 10 pounds of real LS from my LFS in...not the bagged stuff...the bagged stuff only has bacteria, not pods, etc. I then put the LR, fish, water, and inverts back in, along with the 2 bags of CC that was in there. The bacteria from the CC will migrate to the sand. I took one bag out after 3 weeks and the other after 4 weeks. No spike, no cycle. The tank was crystal clear in less than 12 hours.


The only thing that will make the water cloudy when changing from CC to DSB is taking the CC out. I've done this a couple of times and the sand didn't make the water cloudy at all. :D


If you take the water out and store it in some buckets...THEN take the CC out, put the sand in...THEN put the water'll be fine. I wouldn't try to scoop the CC out of a tank full of water. That will make a HUGE mess of the water.