CC to sand


Hi All,
I have just finished switching my 90 gallon tank from Crushed coral to sand. WOW, what a difference. The tank looks so much better. It was a big job, but I am glad that I completed it. Here is my question... What is involved with maintenance on the sand? I know that I do not have to vacuum. Anything else?
Thanks. Scott


Awe you people are just rubbing it in aren't you (I wish I could change my CC also) But as far as maintainance, I don't know what kind of clean-up crew you have but if detritus starts to buid up on the sand, I've seen people who submerge a turkey baster and gently squirt water at the sand while they are doing their water changes to get it stirred up and syphoned out with the water.


Active Member
Actually I'm starting to like my CC. I keep it very shallow and just stir it ocassionally. In the past I did nothing to it and it built up high nitrates because of collected ditrius, but now since I started stirring it, my levels have dropped to 0. I also think it looks better than sand. I use plants and LR as well as a wet/dry filter and so I don't need a DSB to remove nitrates.


I like the Turkey baster idea. As for liking your CC, great. I personally greatly prefer the sand bed. I think that it wil help with the nitrates and looks more natural. Thanks. Scott
P.S. Come on Tizzo... Come back from the darkside... LOL


I have to wait til I move... I got over 150 lbs of LR that took me forever to get perfect, then I got an anemone that on one of my biggest rocks, AND I found as many as 5 tiny brittle stars in the CC up against the glass. OK, OK, I'm procrastinating, but were talking a MAJOR job here!!! UGH!!


Active Member
Hey Tizzo,
Didn't mean to rub it in...I see a few people made the switch this weekend. No wonder you haven't had time, you've got 3 rugrats!!!


How ironic, that was my first thought also... But one is only 9 1/2 months, the other is 2 years, and my 9 year old isn't tall enough to reach into the tank!!!


Perhaps some type of aparatus from the ceiling that will hang them from there feet would work. Scott


The metal halides are in the way, but if I temporarily remove them, then drill a 3 inch eyehook in the 2x8 joists, then add a thin 70lb weight bearing...
WAIT, I can't do that, see now you got me daydreamin'


I have 2 little ones, the 9 year old is definately a gopher. Get me a diaper, find his cup, throw this away, fetch me the washrag. I kinda feel bad for him. But HE wanted a little sister (and the boy came first) so he thinks it was his own doing by asking.


I don't think it's working...
I give the boy chores, then I forget that I had assigned them to him. But once, he got in trouble at school (yeah, I said once) and I made him clean all the toilets in the house with a washrag, then sand out the hard water stain. Now, I look forward to when he gets a "red mark" from the teacher. Although, it didn't happen again and the year is over. But I'm savin' the toilets for him 'til next year!!!...