CC vs. DSB more substrate questions


New Member
I have more questions concerning substrate. I currently have crushed coral in a 72 gallon bowfront. I am in the process of cycling and am considering changing to a DSB. Here are my questions:
1) What are the advantages of CC if any? Are there any cases where cc is better?
2) Does anyone out there prefer CC to DSB?
3) I currently have 9 damsels in the tank. They have been in about a week. Will changing hurt/disrupt the cycling process?
4) If I do decide to change, what is the process for making the change? How will this differ if I wait until the tank is cycled?
5) Is sand only better if it is 4" or more or is it better at any depth?
6) Do the fish prefer one more than the other?
7) Will I end up with a lot of sand in the wet/dry filter?
Sorry for all the questions. I just want to get a good understanding before I make the change.


IMO a dbs is better then cc. Now is a good time to make the change, there sould be no problem with making the change with the fish in the tank I just did the same thing on one of my tanks that has been setup for 3 years with no problem with the fish. I would turn the filter off when making the change, the tank will get cloudy and when you turn the filter back on you will have to rince the prefilter spounge out a couple times but other than that no problems. With cc you will alway have to make sure you keep it clean, will cause a nitrate problem down the road if you don't. Hope I answered you questions, good luck.