cc vs sand


I have just bought a 55 gal fo tank with cc from a friend and want to make it a fowlr. I have heard that i cant use cc that i would have to start over with sand. Some one else told me that the fish will eat the LR. Any suggestion would greatly help.


You can have a fish only tank with CC. The nitrates will be higher in a tank with CC and lower in a tank with sand. I have CC in my tank now and my trates stay around 15 ppm. This is fine for fish only, but if you decide to do a reef, you would want those trates down around 0.


But will the fish eat the lr resulting in dead rock? i want to put lr in my fo tank but am heard that the fish will eat it.


Originally Posted by trex
But will the fish eat the lr resulting in dead rock? i want to put lr in my fo tank but am heard that the fish will eat it.

NO! The fish and only some of the fish might eat some pods that could be living in the rock but they are like rabbits and multypy verry fast. If alage grows on the rock then other fish could eat it as well so this is also a good thing adding a natural food source as well as a filter I would never set up a salt tank of any kind with out live rock. Look around on several web sites you could find a locale club board and someone in your area could be selling some cheep I just bought 80lbs for $70 I had to drive 110 mile one way to get it but it is great rock and it was a great buy.good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by 27mtaylor
You can have a fish only tank with CC. The nitrates will be higher in a tank with CC and lower in a tank with sand. I have CC in my tank now and my trates stay around 15 ppm. This is fine for fish only, but if you decide to do a reef, you would want those trates down around 0.
It all depends on how fine of CC you have in the tank. Normal CC collects debre, x-fine CC does not, and is very close to the fineness of LS.


The fish will not eat your live rock. live rock is good for your tank it acts as a filter. When you add food to your tank some of your food will drift to the bottom and sit there as it decomposes it can get trapped in the coral. which will cause your levels to rise. Live sand is finer and does not trap as much. Live sand costs more but if you stay with the crushed coral I think you will want to change it out for live sand in the future. Before you get started with adding fish you might want to switch out the crushed coral now and avoid switching it out later.