I know LS takes and maintains nitrates at 0 or very close. I also believe CC keeps pH up. Would having a 1"-2" CC bed with "3-"5 LS on top keep nitrates down and pH up at once?
Some people are definately doing this--perhaps more due to cost of LS rather than what you are thinking about. CC, will, however, loose buffering capabilities as the tank ages, so, eventually, your going to be looking at other ways to buffer your system.
[ April 27, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]
LS should be composed of aragonite, I recommend using 4" of dry Seaflor aragonite for the sand bed base then adding 1" of LS over the top of it. Aragonite helps buffer the tanks pH and is much better than CC for everything cept price, you have to pay more for the good stuff.