Cell phone ring tones.


Active Member
OK so we just renewed out Cingular account and got these groovy Samsung phones. The problem is the ring tones are HORRIBLE and you can download new ring tones from Cingular for only 2.95 each, hmmm is this a marketing thing maybe? So does anyone know where to get some new cell phone ring tones that are cheaper? Of course free would be good, or actually I would not mind paying the same fee somewhere else, it is just the Cingular scam thing that gets me.


Hi Scott!!
New phones are so fun! Congrats. My suggestion is to call the customer service center and tell them that you just got new phones and hate the rings on them AND you you'd like a new ring tone "gratis" or you might return them and go somewhere else. You'd want to do it nicely of course. They will probably give you a ring tone free. Cell phones are so easy to get now and there are so many companies that they will surely want to keep your business. Just a thought. Good to see ya. Ant.


Hey Scotts!!! I actually had the same problem... Make sure you have a plan that allows you to access the internet before you do this, but this is how I do it for free:
pcsphonetones (sorry, I wont post the link, but you know what to add)- They have ringtones for free. They are good and I have never had a problem. You can even download pictures
mobile17.smashsworld- this will let you CREATE your own ringtone. You just upliad your song to it and it will send it to you. I love this because right now I am a Shooter Jennings dork and I was able to turn a song on the CD into my ringtone and the sound is pretty good.
Try those and have fun with it. My Mom calls me and the phone screams BLAH BLAH BLAH so there is a lot of cool stuff!!


Takia-great info! I love the Blah-blah-blah ringtone for your mom. Mine plays a train coming when my husband calls but I'm thinking about changing it now.



Active Member
Ant, so good to see you again. I have not seen you posting in awhile. Glad to see you are still around. That is funny about the train sound.
Takia, thanks. I tried the pcs site and it looks pretty good. Have to try that other site later. Too funny about the sound when your mom calls. I would say that I am sure that is what your mom sounds like when you answer the phone, but I am a dad so of course EVERYTHING that I have to say is important.


Scott-I'm glad someone had better advice for you. That is great info about the free phone rings. My tank has been mainting itself really AND my pulsing xenias came back full force and more too so I'm very excited about that. I went to the LFS the other day to buy a flame angel but they suggested not putting it in anything smaller than a 55gal so Ididn't buy one. The book I have says they will do fine in a 30gal but I didn't want to chance it. I was bummed because now I don't know what to get. I want something a little flashy and fun. Something will come along. I've also been working on invitations and birthday stuff for my son's 3rd birthday next month. I go on the site just to browse now and I saw your post. Is your summer winding down nicely?
Ant. h*


Active Member
Ant, sounds to me like you are looking for a show fish for your tank. I was too and got a coral beauty. that is good about your lfs though not just selling you anything. Uh oh a 3 year old, time to see how messy yur house can really get.
My simmer winding down? Well I am putting down hardwood floors, painting the trim on the house, putting down mew bas boards, have to move the tank so I can put the hardwood floors down so I would not call it winding down.


Oooooh, how is your coral beauty? Yes, I want a show fish but I don't think I will find one for my tank. Yes, this LFS is really great. They will look up stuff for you, order anything you want and help you any way they can. One of the workers posts here on this site. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't open until 2pm.
OMG, you have so many projects going on. Remember, tackle one at a time until you're done.
Sounds like some really nice stuff you're doing to your house. Aaaah, the joys of home-ownership. Can't you feel your wallet screeming, "leave me closed for a while!" :scared: I've so been there. The house we just moved from, as a matter of fact. Sucked us dry. However, it has been, by far, my favorite home. I'll try and post a few pics of my son's nursery. Lots of work but so much fun. I really miss it.
Yes, a 3 y/o.
He's really good with keeping things straightened actually. We'll see what happens next.




Active Member
Ant, That room is soooo cool. Did you do it? In out old house my sister in law painted one wall of a bedroom a complete mural. Sure would have hated the people that bought the house paint over it. I like how you have those trees in there with the painting.
I am getting there with the hardwood floor, but ran into problems with the fireplace. Nothing a little concrete grinding can't fix.


Scott-Just got back from a short trip to Dallas to visit some friends. We had such a great time. Johnny especially. He really enjoyed playing with the two kids we stayed with. We had some fun touring too.
Yes, we did that whole room ourselves. I'm very proud of it and miss it a lot. Johnny saw pictures of it the other day and he said, "lets go back home Mommy." Broke my heart. I was very concerned about someone buying it and painting over it but that's out of my control. Turned out the people who bought it had 6 children, all girls, and loved the room. We brought the train and track with us, of course, but left the shelving. John put his train up in his new room but did it differently. I'll try and post a picture of that. My husband is a real handy guy. Continues to amaze me even after 10 years. :joy: I'm still working on a theme for his room. That and more energy + more time would be nice.
Good luck with your projects. Let me know how it goes.



Hey Scott. I thought I'd give this a bump just in case you haven't seen it. Do you have a break now that scool started?


Active Member
Hey Ant, School doesn't start till the beginning of Sept here, but I am counting down, trust me. Kind of interesting right now, I have one kid that wants to stay home all day, but he can entertain himself, one kid that likes to go out, but when we do she always wants to buy something does not matter what as long as money is being exchanged for something, and she cannot entertain herself. Then trying to put in the floor. So yes I am ready for school to start. I know don't wish your life away and cherish the time with your kids, yadda yadda yadda.
Our son kind of went through the same thing when we moved, talking about the old house. But time has passed and he is happy here now.
That is cool what your hubby did with the train. I must admit I have never seen unistrut used in a home before, but it looks good.
Here is the floor so far, it is not as dark as the picture shows.


Hey! That is looking really good.
Is it hard wood or the Pergo stuff? Do you have to treat it? I'm asking questions because we're a year and half until retirement and we're working out plans for our final home. I'm not sure if I want tile or wood flooring. I know I will choose the one that is less maintenace.
About the train. Thanks for the compliments. Those bars started out straight. I asked John how he new where to bend them and he said, "I just used trigenometry." I turned around and walked out.
I know you are counting the days until school. I can certainly understand. Both, parent and child, can appreciate each other more when apart for a while. I'm currently looking into a preschool for Johnny. Just two days a week and for half a day. I think I found one and will tour it tomorrow with him. I'm also looking into working part time again. Not too hard finding a job being a nurse. That is a blessing.
Ant. h*


Active Member
Sorry 'bout my earlier post, you should never send an e-mail when you are angry and never post on the internet when taking a break from your kids.
The floor that I am putting in is wood flooring. Actually it is called engineered wood, think of it as real fancy plywood. There is a lot of difference between engineered wood and solid hard wood. Tile is probably less maintenance in the long run, but it would be colder and harder. This wood actually has ridges in it that make it feel softer than solid hard wood.
So when is Johnny's B-day?


I didn't find anything wrong with your previous message. I hope all is well now at the home front.
Johnny's birthday is Sept., 14th. We're having a dinosaur party. It's really fun because he is totally into his theme this year.


Active Member
DO you remember the thread where you were asking qustions about your SG? Well there is a new person who is going through the same thing so I pasted that thread for them to look at.
Oh yeah, MonaLisa and Fishmamma are looking for you on the new hobbyist forum.
I tried to get some frags out of them for telling you that you are looking for them, but they called my bluff and I got nuthin.


Thanks for the info Scott! I look forward to catching up with them. I will work on the frags for you.

Didn't see the other thread about the ph but I'm glad you were there to help. You sure helped me a lot, from day one.
I'm off to do some riding today. Hubby is off so I get the morning with Buck.


New Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
OK so we just renewed out Cingular account and got these groovy Samsung phones. The problem is the ring tones are HORRIBLE and you can download new ring tones from Cingular for only 2.95 each, hmmm is this a marketing thing maybe? So does anyone know where to get some new cell phone ring tones that are cheaper? Of course free would be good, or actually I would not mind paying the same fee somewhere else, it is just the Cingular scam thing that gets me.

You should try jamster. there pretty cheap but not free. and if you have a program for downloads on your phone sometimes you can get a trial but it will only last about a 2 weeks


Active Member
Bio, at first when i read your post I was wondering what you were taling about, then I remembered why I started this thread. Thanks for the info. Cheap is good.
So Ant how have you been, I have been busy with back to school supplies and the floor so have not checked this thread, well at all. I did see something in the trading forum that I want to trade for, but no luck so far.
School starts next week and then I can really get going on the floor. I can't remember if I told you that I have to move my tank because the floor goes in the room that the tank is in. That should be fun. I had no problem moving into a bigger tank, but I am kind of worried about just moving the tank and then setting it back up a couple of days later. You know stirring up the sand bed and all. Just have to cross that hurdle when the time comes.
Talk to you later.


Hey Scott!
I'm doing fine. Trying to potty train Johnny. Not fun because he knows he can do it but simply refuses. I've even resorted to bribing but still not working. Oh well. Soon enough I suppose. I rode the horse a few days in a row, which was nice. The weather has been just terrible here. 100's with 80% humidity
...yuck! I'm getting ready to paint his ceiling. We're doing sky and clouds. Then we're going to hand some planes and such. I feel for you and your fish tank move. Good luck and let me know how it goes. I'm still wanting another fish but haven't had time to get to the LFS to see what they have. When does school start?