central florida trading


Active Member
That would be me. Whatcha got to trade? I live around 30 miles from Tampa. Close to New Port Richey. You?


Hey Speg,
I live in NPR as well. Im over here in Gulf Harbors. I would love to get some frags from you! How much would you take for what ever you have. Just give me a price! Thanks!
Also if you have any equpment that you are selling let me know for that as well.


Active Member
Wow you're that close huh? I do a lot of work in there as far as pest control and stuff... heck you may be one of my customers :) Most of my work is on Seaway, Southshore etc.. which road are you on?


Active Member
These toadstools arent as cool as yours, but still decent. They are growing slowly because the lights on this tank suck, but with better lighting they do very well. I had these in my 46 gallon and they had a good sized stalk within 2 weeks. These have been in my 55 with less light for like 3 weeks and they hardly have a stalk, they are very attached and doing well though as you can see =c)
Also I have some star polyps here and there... they are everywhere. I attached some to a dead acro which I thought was kinda dandy! I also have more frags laying around in my 46 gallon, and most things I have are fraggable... so the possibilites are nearly endless!



Active Member
The mantis is either dead or in my main tank... :p I stopped seeing him as often as I did for a while there (which was every day) and I figured he probably died. I have a lot of rock in the tank that he was in which I use for frags... which go into my main tanks.. so if he is alive he is in my main tank ..... which isnt good :p
He actually didnt eat very well at all.. i'd give him chopped up silversides and he would grab them and drag them in a hole but later i'd see a crab eating the piece of silverside and it looked to be the same size as I put in the tank =c( They have a lot of good sized ones they get in from my LFS.. so maybe one day i'll try another.... or I may not... who knows.
ps: we should trade frags sometime. I'd give you one of my toadstools for one of yours so we'd both have two different kinds.