Central Wisconsin Trade


Up for trade- XXL Hermit crab. I also have some green mushrooms (freshly cut so should be ready in a few days), and I have damsels- most if not all of which I could be talked out of, they came with a tank that I got a steal on, I'm not all that interested in damsels. Two three stripe, two domino (one is HUGE), one electric blue, two yellow tail blue damsels, also have a coral beauty (my wife wants to keep it but my vote counts for 51% and hers 49%) :hilarious All are healthy and disease free from an established aquarium. I WILL NOT ship, don't want the hassel or the stress for these guys...I will consider trades on any fish, coral, or equipment. Live in Adams-Friendshp, between Wisconsin Rapids and Wisconsin Dells. Anybody interested let me know!!!!


He's a pretty little guy... actually now that I think of it, I'm not sure how big they are supposed to get? Anyways, he's probably 2 1/2 to 3". I can email you a pic if you want or post one-


What are you looking for I have fox face moreon gold stripe clown tabbaco basselt and various Corals I would be willing to trade


I would trade for a coral for sure. You ever get up in this area? (I've been to Beaver Dam but don't really recall how far it is)
I have green mushrooms, red mushrooms, gergorian, green ricordia, candy cane, green star, maroon zoanthids- so anything different from what I have I would trade for, what corals do you have?
For any other wisconsinites that stumble on to this post and might be interested: The large hermit has found a new home, and it sounds as if the coral beauty has also, that means I still need a trade for two dominio damsels (one of these is big) , two three stripe damsels, one electric blue damsel, two yellow tail blue damsels, and possibly (have to talk the wife into letting go) a yellow tang. I have a 75 gal that I picked up for next to nothing and would like to re do the tank but have all these people's fish also.. I CAN'T kill them- so I will trade them for just about anything- ***)


Here's my home email cannonman17@msn.com email there and we can work out the details.... now I have to figure out how in the heck I'm going to catch this guy, that coral beauty hangs tight to the rocks.... any ideas? Hey, can I get a frage of the torch and the blue?