

New Member
Hey everyone, all moved in to my new place at school and I'm finally going to get started on that tank. Till now I was talking about seting up a 180 aggro setup but I've decided to do something a little smaller for now since I'll be moving out towards the end of the year. I was thinking of keeping some type of Cephalopod. Maybe a Cuttlefish or some type of Octopi. Yes I understand that these are very difficult creatures to keep and yes I understand that nothing else can be in the tank. That said is there anyone who has had expierence keeping either of these? And does anyone know if there's any type of coral they'll be compatable with? All suggestions and comments are welcome!
Thanks in advance.


well when i first decided to get into salt water that was my main goal, an octo. people tell me they're hard to keep so i decided to wait awhile. I swear one day ill have one and he'll be the longest living one ever! but anyway, the only thing about them i can tell you is they have short life spans 6-12 months if your lucky. stay away from the blue ringed oct. its deadly and i dont think there is any cure. this is what people tell me, im sorry i cant help more.


The N.R.C.C is about 45 min. from me. They sell Sepia (Sepia) officinalis for research only. That is such bull.