Ceramic tile....?


I havea question might sound dumb to some but I'd like to make sure before making a mistake. I wanted to place a pc of ceramic tile to see if my pair of black/white ocellarius are laying eggs. I've had them together for about 2 yrs and are always having seizures together but I don't see any eggs. The eggs (if there are any) might be blending in with the LR. So my question is, does color on the ceramic tile matter? I would hate for the color to leach out somehow and mess with my reef tank. I was also thinking of cutting the tile to make it smaller instead of placing a 4" x 4" (bathroom tile) in my tank. Would the ceramic exposed on the cut edge effect my tank?


Active Member
i dont reccomend the tile but i have heard many people that breed fish use clay pots in their tanks ( unglazed)if you want to make the pot a little more natural looking as a cave cover the outside of the pot with cc or small peices of lr use something like they use for bonding Lr together


There is nothing wrong with the tile, but color should be neutral if it matters at all, besides you should not be presenting the colored side anyway, its the raw back of the tile that they will accept.