chaeto and ph


will chaeto take away your ph? If not, what would cause ph to drop, and can the drop in ph kill your fish?


Active Member
It is my opinion that fish can take a little low or a little high in PH. No, cheato will not take away you PH. If anything it will help your PH. That is why most perfer to run the cheato on a reverse lightin schedual from the display. It will help to maintain your PH 24/7. Which leads into the q's.
What time of day do you check your PH?
How is the lighting setup on your cheato? ie...reversed or on the same time as the display.
How old is the tank?
Is there anything in the tank to create photo synthisis? Beshides the cheato.
When was the last time you areated your home? Opened up the windows.
How is the surface movement? Do you have good rippling of the water for gas exchange?
Do you have the top of the tank covered up?


Originally Posted by Posiden
It is my opinion that fish can take a little low or a little high in PH. No, cheato will not take away you PH. If anything it will help your PH. That is why most perfer to run the cheato on a reverse lightin schedual from the display. It will help to maintain your PH 24/7. Which leads into the q's.
What time of day do you check your PH?
How is the lighting setup on your cheato? ie...reversed or on the same time as the display.
How old is the tank?
Is there anything in the tank to create photo synthisis? Beshides the cheato.
When was the last time you areated your home? Opened up the windows.
How is the surface movement? Do you have good rippling of the water for gas exchange?
Do you have the top of the tank covered up?

Im not tryin to hijack here but I run my fuge lights 24/7 is that bad??


Active Member
Originally Posted by abeandlulu
Im not tryin to hijack here but I run my fuge lights 24/7 is that bad??

I wouldn't say it is bad. From what I understand some run them 24/7 like you and others don't. One of the reasons for not running them 24/7 is the cheato turning a yellow color. Some say that algae must have a break in the photo period. I would say that it is like anything else in this hobbie.
Every system is different in many ways, and what works for one will need to be changed slighty for another. If it works, I say don't change. But, if a little less power consumpstion is what you wish. Try a reverse lighting schedual. If it works for you and you don't see any ill effects then you get to save a couple of bucks.


Originally Posted by Posiden
I wouldn't say it is bad. From what I understand some run them 24/7 like you and others don't. One of the reasons for not running them 24/7 is the cheato turning a yellow color. Some say that algae must have a break in the photo period. I would say that it is like anything else in this hobbie.
Every system is different in many ways, and what works for one will need to be changed slighty for another. If it works, I say don't change. But, if a little less power consumpstion is what you wish. Try a reverse lighting schedual. If it works for you and you don't see any ill effects then you get to save a couple of bucks.
Still. not tryin to hijack. I dont use cheato i use calurpa?? (sorry i dont spell well) You suggest the same?


[HTMLWhat time of day do you check your PH?
How is the lighting setup on your cheato? ie...reversed or on the same time as the display.
How old is the tank?
Is there anything in the tank to create photo synthisis? Beshides the cheato.
When was the last time you areated your home? Opened up the windows.
How is the surface movement? Do you have good rippling of the water for gas exchange?
Do you have the top of the tank covered up?
wow, didn't know there was so much. Lost my hippo tang, so thought I would run aa check, the ph was real low, never had been low before and the only change is the chaeto in the sump. Real low by means of yellow.
Lights, same time, little longer than lights.
Just chaeto and some hair algae that I am still fighting.
Been a while on airing house, 90 plus degrees outside, will do that today. Why is this nesessary?
Surface movement real good except in the sump.
Tank is covered except for about an inch across the back.
Checked the ph at 7:30 pm after lights in sump was on for 12 hours and tank on for 4.
Thanks for any help, Shelley
Just asked this because read on a site the macro algae will suck your ph, not sure what macro algae is but I do know that I have algae.


Your pH is probably low because of the top being covered. This prevents proper gas exchange and will allow the CO2 in the aquarium to build up over time which will drop your pH. Maybe try removing the covers and see if that helps the pH.
The reason that airing out the house will also help is for the same reason. Will allow O2/CO2 balance in the home to be restored. CO2 can build up if the home is not aired out. If there is not enough oxygen in the home, no amount of surface agitation for gas exchange in the aquarium is going to help bring the pH up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by abeandlulu
Still. not tryin to hijack. I dont use cheato i use calurpa?? (sorry i dont spell well) You suggest the same?
Are you using grape? If so then yes a 24/7 lighting schedual is what you want to keep it from going sexual on you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shobby
[HTMLWhat time of day do you check your PH?
How is the lighting setup on your cheato? ie...reversed or on the same time as the display.
How old is the tank?
Is there anything in the tank to create photo synthisis? Beshides the cheato.
When was the last time you areated your home? Opened up the windows.
How is the surface movement? Do you have good rippling of the water for gas exchange?
Do you have the top of the tank covered up?
wow, didn't know there was so much. Lost my hippo tang, so thought I would run aa check, the ph was real low, never had been low before and the only change is the chaeto in the sump. Real low by means of yellow.
Lights, same time, little longer than lights.
Just chaeto and some hair algae that I am still fighting.
Been a while on airing house, 90 plus degrees outside, will do that today. Why is this nesessary?
Surface movement real good except in the sump.
Tank is covered except for about an inch across the back.
Checked the ph at 7:30 pm after lights in sump was on for 12 hours and tank on for 4.
Thanks for any help, Shelley
Just asked this because read on a site the macro algae will suck your ph, not sure what macro algae is but I do know that I have algae.
I would run the cheato lights on a reverse schedual from the tank.
I would be carefull with the HA as it will out compete the cheato for the nutrients. The HA will also use up the nutrients as the cheato starts to die.
Airing out the house gets rid of the built up c02 in your home as mentioned above. I asked this cause this time of year we are all colsed off running the AC to stay comfortable.
Your tank is covered with what? If it is eggcrate to keep the jumpers inside then there is no concern there. If it is glass or acrylic then, try removing it and check the PH in a few hours and then again in 24 hours.
I assume the cheato is in the sump then. That should have been enough time for the PH to have come up. How long do you run the light on the cheato?
You checked the water parameters so,
what was the alkalinity level? This will determine the buffering capibiliy of the PH. I bet it is low.
Macro algae is your cheato. It is also calupra,ect.. A micro algae is your HA that your fighting.
How old is the tank? I ask this as you might be fighting some die off causing an acidic enviroment.


The tank is five years old, it is covered with glass and then two lights on top of them. I got the chaeto to try to help with the nitrates which still seem to be a problem, not super high but runs at about twenty, may go higher if I don't do water changes. I thought the chaeto would get the nutrients and help kill off the hair algae, any suggestions on getting rid of that?


Originally Posted by Posiden
Are you using grape? If so then yes a 24/7 lighting schedual is what you want to keep it from going sexual on you.
by grapes you mean the little round balls that grow on the stems? If so yes that is what i have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shobby
The tank is five years old, it is covered with glass and then two lights on top of them. I got the chaeto to try to help with the nitrates which still seem to be a problem, not super high but runs at about twenty, may go higher if I don't do water changes. I thought the chaeto would get the nutrients and help kill off the hair algae, any suggestions on getting rid of that?
Find the source of nutrients. You must find the source to treat the issue. The HA will win the battle for nutrients over the cheato. As long as the HA has prime conditions it will win.
How bad is the HA?
What is the lighting schedual of the tank?
How old are the bulbs?
What do you feed?
How often do you feed?
Do you feed heavy?
Another trick to keeping things in check is to blow off your rocks with either a turkey baster or an extra power head. Just blow it right on them to get the detritus in suspension. If you don't do that you will be suprised at the crap that comes off. I know I was.
Oops, what else is in your sump? Is it just cheato?
If you increase the surface movement in the sump (ie..a power head) you might be able to get away without removing the top on the display. Get some movement going down there and see if that helps out. Another thing you could do is use the power head to churn the cheato around in a circle and aggetate the surface at the same time. This way you wont have to turn the cheato over by hand each time you trim it. Not that that is a hard thing to do.LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by abeandlulu
by grapes you mean the little round balls that grow on the stems? If so yes that is what i have.
Yup, you have grape. Keep the lights on 24/7 to keep it from nuking your tank. Good Luck. It is not as bad as it sounds but you do have that possibility.


Originally Posted by Posiden
Find the source of nutrients. You must find the source to treat the issue. The HA will win the battle for nutrients over the cheato. As long as the HA has prime conditions it will win.
How bad is the HA?
What is the lighting schedual of the tank?
How old are the bulbs?
What do you feed?
How often do you feed?
Do you feed heavy?
Oops, what else is in your sump? Is it just cheato?
It is not horrible, NOW. It has been much worse, seems now that I have the nitrates under control, the algae is not so bad. I have the tank on from 3 to 9 p.m..
The bulbs are new, one set of lights just under a year, other a couple of months. I feed myesis shrimp, and flakes, bought new tang so I now throw in some sea grapes of other pieces of a plant that I bought, only feed a small amount and usually every other day. I do not believe that I over feed. I did have just the chaeto in the sump, but bought some kind of green plant and they gave me some sea grapes also. But reading some of the responses, I don't know if I want the grapes, afraid it will go bad now.


Even with three different types of plants in the sump, the test showed 20. Not sure as to when the plants are to kick in and start workingm. Was wondering if it would hurt to put sand and crabs in the sump.