Chaeto in Protein Skimmer


So i have an aqua c remora and was wondering if I would be able to place some chaeto in the return area of the filter box. I have a metal halide light hanging over my tank and the light does shine into the box so if I did put some in there than it would get light. Here is a picture of what the box looks like. Let me know what yall think.

scopus tang

Active Member
Its an interesting thought, and may provide you with some benefit. However, since the protein skimmer should be removing the vast majority of nutrients from the water as it is going through, I would tend to think that you wouldn't get much of a benefit. In addition, I would be concerned that the chaeto would get swept out of the overflow box and continually end up in your tank, where it grows, survives and can take over. JMO


Active Member
chaeto wouldn't take over, it's easily pulled out. Caulerpa on the other hand is very invasive and a pain to pull the roots out.
Interesting thought as well but something I wouldn't do personally.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
chaeto wouldn't take over, it's easily pulled out. Caulerpa on the other hand is very invasive and a pain to pull the roots out.
Interesting thought as well but something I wouldn't do personally.
hhhhmmm, not if it gets into powerheads and intermixed into polyp corals like zoas. I will grant you its not as difficult to remove and caulerpa, but it can still be a PITB. Perhaps "take over" was too strong.


Active Member
It's like loose spaghetti in a ball, but yeah if it's wrapped up in powerheads thats bad, but won't get wrapped up zoas, it just stays clumped together going with the current.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
It's like loose spaghetti in a ball, but yeah if it's wrapped up in powerheads thats bad, but won't get wrapped up zoas, it just stays clumped together going with the current.
?? I get individuals strands that break off and float out of my fuge, into the return chamber, through the pump and into the DT on a fairly regular basis. I'm consistently pulling them out of the powerheads, sandbed, zoas, and off the candy canes. What do you do, superglue your ball together or you got some kind of Chaeto voodoo I should know about?