chaeto light?


what are you guys using for your light?i dont want one that will stick outside of the lid,what do you suggest?


Active Member
I just have a cheap 15 dollar flourescent light over mine. Its a day gro bulb or something... cheato grows fine and was cheap for me... just lays over that compartment in my sump.


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
Alot of people are useing the Marina LED Lights. Google them, or search at Petsmarts website/stores
ive seen you post a pic of a submersible light those work good and where can i find one?


Active Member
I had one for awhile and it worked pretty good. Ask Whisk how its been working for him, hes used one for a few weeks now. I know you can get them at Petsmart, just when you get one make sure you get the package with the adaptor in it.


Active Member
People are using the Marine LED's for growing chaeto?? Really? I have not heard of that!
I always used a small PC light over my chaeto.


Active Member
well, i've been using the marina led light for a month and a half now, honestly, it was working just ok, i had some growth, but not much. My chaeto use to be right next to the light at the top of the water, but then sunk to the bottom and then became mush. Either because it was not getting enough light or something else.

Either case, I did some more research and I'm going to try plan B and get the submersible 10w lights found on discount pumps dot com and see how that works. If that doesnt work, i may have to try scraping off the back paint of the nano and adding an outside PC light fuge to it. We'll see