

i really need to lower my nitrate and yeah i m looking into buying a protein skimmer but my question is since i dont have the money or room to set up a fuge can i just put some chaeto into my HOB filter, it has a lot of extra room. First will this help, and also does this algae need light

my way

Active Member
Yes it needs light, not sure if you will have enough room in your HOB to make it worth while.You could put it in the tank, supposedly most fish don't eat it.


The best bet would be putting a fuge. As for room, can you fit a 10g under your tank? and for money 10g tanks cost 6bucks and you can used overflows from people who upgraded to drilled tanks. buy a few feet of hose from lowes. Find a cheap pump. all cost under 100bucks depending on how much the overflow and pump cost. But if you cant swing that in the tank will be better than nothing. I have some in my 29g for looks and to help clean the water.


Active Member
I've also got some chaeto in my tank. I like the color it adds to the tank, but I also like that it's functional...
Lisa :happyfish


yeah i kinda sorta have room for a ten but when i put that past my old man his response was you plug one more thing in and the house is going to blow. So basically he complains more about the electricity bill. IDK i think i might just have to set up a small fuge


Active Member
I have had no problems with having cheato in my main tank. I have turbos nassarius a tang hermits and a angle. They ignore it for the most part and I too like the way it looks in the main tank. Best off it wont attach itself to the rocks which makes for easy removal when necessary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Murph
I have had no problems with having cheato in my main tank. I have turbos nassarius a tang hermits and a angle. They ignore it for the most part and I too like the way it looks in the main tank. Best off it wont attach itself to the rocks which makes for easy removal when necessary.

Yep, I have all of those as well, except the tang and my angle is a coral beauty, but really it stays put pretty nicely. Try'll like it.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Hey can some of you guys that have it in your main tank post some pictures? I had the same question the the OP had a few days ago and got no answers so I would love to see how it looks in the main tank.


Active Member
About a fist size ball. To me dos not look out of place at all and kind of gently sways back and forth in the current. Mine does much better in the main tank with the PC lighting and current than it does under the shop lights in the fuge. When you buy it its usually full of pods also.


A baseball size has a very big impact on the and trates. since I added it to my tank (35 hex) my ammo has stayed at zero and my trates are comming down fast. It's been in there for about a week nowand I am at the end of my cycle. Chaeto is some really good stuff!!!! Looks good, and it functions.