chainlink vs. snowflake?

30-xtra high

Active Member
my lfs has an 8inch chainlink eel for 24.99$, a 13 inch snowflake for 21.99$, and 2 8 inch snowflake eels for 13.99$, which one to get?..
i have been told both (and when i say both i mean either of them, not together) can be in a 30 gallon tank, and i happen to have a 30 extra high. in it i have a lawnmower 2-3 inches, and a coral banded shrimp- 3 inches, and some hermits i don't really care about, i have 25lbs ls, and 30 lbs lr, 1 maxijet 600, a penguin 333 hob filter, and 130watt pc's, and some yellow polyps, and a 300 watt heater
my tests read
amonia- 0
nitrites- 0
nitrates- 15

ph- 8.2
temp- 80
salinity- 1.025
which eel should i get?, any good/bad experiences with them??, pros and cons?


they are both good eels but cant go in your size tank maybe a 55 but not a 30

30-xtra high

Active Member
i've read in books, sites, and heard form 3 different lfs that they would be fine?
how fast would they outgrow a 30?, i have a 55 (which currently has a Ghost corn snake), which i can just switch with the 30 when the eel outgrows the tank, but how long would that be?
and which eel would you recomend?


Active Member
That may be okay for the 8inch or 13inch eel temporarily but you have to consider how active are these eels? and these eels can most definitely grow longer than the width and eventually the length so would you stick a fish in a tank that is as long as the fish? If you were planning on upgrading then I would say get a small one. I am not an expert on eels but just a thought.


Active Member
ya def wanna get a bigger tank soon, eels grow quick, when i had eels they grew form 8" to 13" in 3 wks.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
ya def wanna get a bigger tank soon, eels grow quick, when i had eels they grew form 8" to 13" in 3 wks.
my question is which is a better eel to have?, i didn't want this to be a can i have one thread, i have acknowledged my need for upgradinbg and have my 55 ready when needed, i have a 75 gallon filter, my lights, and hood, all i'll need is more sand and liverock that i'll just make.
how long can an eel be in my 30? when will i need to upgrade? at what length?
now to my point, which is a better eel? more active? any good/ bad experiences?, pics?


Active Member
I have never had an eel but I hear more people having a snowflake. Also is this your first eel? I may be wrong but I heard that snowflake are good for beginers, as I said I may be wrong. I believe I read that both are low maintence fish.


Active Member
Also when I looked the info on those eels, both are likely to try to escape so make sure there is a good canopy over the tank.

30-xtra high

Active Member
don't worry, i have glass canopies, and 'll put a 5 lbs weight on it,
this will be my first eel, but i've heard they're both the same care wise, i just wanted to know from any people who have had experience with these eels, and to get some pictures, advice ect..ect..ect..


If you are planning on moving the eel eventually, it would be best to just switch the snake to the 30 tall now, get the 55 set up and cycled, get your eel and enjoy. Then you have no worries about transfer to the new tank.
I am speaking from experience here. If you have seen any of the other eel posts lately, you will know that I have mine in a 35 Hex. I got it in October 06, and it is already at the point where I know I should move it. It has no problems swimming around the tank because it is a hex and is tall, but I really want to give it the extra length to really roam around. At the rate it has grown, I would definatley say that you need atleast a 55 gallon for an SFE.
Do it, and yourself a favor and make the move before you get it. Then yuou won't be in an inevitable spot like I am. ( My birthday is the end of the month, so it should be getting a new home soon. )
Enjoy the eel once you get it, they are really fun to watch.