
ric maniac

Active Member
Hi, I really like the look of chalice corals and I was wondering how hey hold up in tanks, what lighting they need and any other info on them. Thanks


Active Member
They are filter feeder and like strong light.They like medium flow.They are filter feeder with calcium and strontium.Its a intermediate coral.


Active Member
IMO cal alk and water quality play a strong role in succeeding with them, too much flow can be extremly detrimental, and insuficient lighting can also be harmfull, they will also benifit from small meaty foods (cyclops dapnia etcetera). I feel they do best in well established tanks that dont suffer the oft found quirks and swings of younger tanks. I would recomend a begginer avoid these untill they felt truly comfortable with their tank as chalice can be quite costly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I think its because they usually have insane coloration and are very slow growers.
Have you seen some of the Steve Tyree pieces. Holy cow. Someone I know paid $200 for like 3 polyps.