Chances of Other Fish Catching Disease

Last night as I was feeding my fish when I noticed my Yellow Tailed Damsel had a "Popeye", was not feeding and was showing signs of inactivity(highly unlike him) As I read a book I found out that my fish was suffering from either Vibriosis or T.B./wASTING Disease. This morning I took evasive action and brought him to my LFS on an emergency call. THEY said that the disease was too far along and that medication would not work. So I got rid of him.:(
But i am still worried about my other fish. Is there any chance that tmy other fish could have caught the disease while my fish was still in the tank? If so is there anything I can do to get rid of the disease?


Staff member
You got rid of him?? What does that mean exactly?
Popeye is not necessarily dangereous and it rarely causes death. Were there other symptoms? How long have you had the fish?
I gave him to the SWFS people and they said they would put him in a qt tank. But he probably wouldn't make it. He also had a darken color, had eroding skin, wasn't eating, "popeye", and was very secluded.


Staff member
What are your water readings, and what type of tank do you have set up? How are the other fish?
I have a FOWLR Tank.
All the other fish are eating fine, and acting fine.


Staff member
I would suggest doing a water change and start feeding the fish with garlic soaked food.
If that does not work, then this fish may need to go into a hospital tank and treated with antibiotics. Do you have a hosital tank?