Chandler's Tank


Active Member
All right, here is mine, so you can critique or whatever. This is a 55 Gallon aquarium, the wet dry has a protein skimmer and uv sterilizer in it. I also have a titanium heater with an lcd screen, power compact lighting and even a little hang on the back filter (for flow, of course):yes: . I am not postive exactly how much live rock I have in here, cuz I pulled it straight from the caribbean, but it has done me good. All the free hermits (blue leg) feather dusters and sponges Id ever need. But, I am gonna fill out the place with more LR wen I get the money so my volitan doesnt have to hide in this tiny cave that he found.


Active Member
This is just a closeup of the rock work. I opted to pile all of the rocks on top of this tri-section of PVC pipe, and it made a very nice cave. All the fish love it, and I like it as well. Like I said, more LR is coming.


Active Member
This is a pic of my pride and joy, my Volitan. His name is Nick:joy: . He used to be the size of my thumb, but he has grown twice that size. He acts real bad ass, goes right up to the glass as if he is trying to stare me down.


Active Member
And this is a pic of my tang, as well as a slight bit of my cinnamon clown. The tang is Lenny, clown is Bobo. Original, right. LOL. I can never get a good pic of the tang, he is always swimming around. He is a great specimen though, very well colored, swims around alot, doesnt fight with the fish. Anyway, thats it. You start the critiqing process now. And, whatever you say, if its hurtful, I dont mind. I like my tank, and thats all that matters, right? All right, thanx for looking.


Is it ok to have the lion fish in the same tank as the tang and the clown? Are you going for a peaceful or aggressive tank?


like you tank...a good selection of fish.....but if you want it to look even better.........there are a few things you might want to do..... a solid color background will definitely enhance the look of your tank........i think you could add more live'll provide more natural/comfortable environment for your fish especially yellow tang....also as a supplementary food source too.....

magic mark

a nice blue background will look great
and powerheads as well will help keep some algae at bay....also increases oxygenation


Active Member
Thanx guys. Umm, Lions are peaceful enough, just gotta keep em fed. I am feeding my fish brine shrimp, some stuff from Ocean Nutrition that has most of the stuff in Formula one. The lion gets silver sides. I think a background will do good, thanx. How much are they any way? O, I'm gonna go with live rock too. I like it to be all natural and stuff. I notived the problem with Cyano, but I do have a killer clean up crew, and there is a good deal of flow. I use tap water, thats what causes it. Besides, I like to let my fish eat it and stuff. It has its spurts, but the fish eat it away, same with the hermits and snails. Plus, it does add some color. I should use RO water, but I just dont have the money, and this water evaportaes like a Mutha, ya know? Any alternatives that I could use? Also, my parents wont allow me to use any more outlets, so no powerhead, unless I can find a way to cram it in there. I think I might just get rid of that hang on filter? Yea, that would actually work. DUH:rolleyes: Aight, thanx for the input, and keep it coming. Carp, I wanna see a pic of your tank now, lol.


Active Member
Nice tank. I wasnt contesting you in anyway, but I am sure you have won. I have a lot of $$$ coming in soon, so be expecting some nicer pics wen my cool rocks come. Corals are nice though, Im thinking about em, but I like my volitan SOOOOO much better. My tank is gonna go through another change. Nice coralline growth though, very nice. Clams are awesome too, but Im not spending that much money just for lights. Im gonna get an anthias, MAYBE some corals, prob hammers and torch, maybe a sun. Thanx for the pics.


That tube on the powerhead, r u supposed to take it off? Mine made ALOT of bubbles. Is it supposed to do that? I took it off and it just mskes a steady current. Is this right?


Is it normal for everything on the tank to be bubbly Reef Magic? I waould like to areate the water put everything is so bubbly.


Active Member
Hey, I got a background, two sided, I chose the blue one. Its pretty sweet man, thanx for the advice. Yea, just rip off that bubbler thing, and run one of the powerheads so it SLIGHTLY breaks the surface of the water. That is plenty good enough for airation. Are those roatating powerheads any good btw?


hey chandler,
lets see some pics, we have similar tanks and Im still deciding if I should put a background on the tank.


Active Member
Yea sure, check in the morning. I will have some pics then. Its not much different, except that there is a background, lol, but I would love to post my tank again.