change in lighting


New Member
i have a standard 125 gal.I recently started it up and am learning as i go.initialy i thought it would be fish only but this desire to do reef is overpowering.I purchased an icecap 660 with 4 bulbs=440 watts.2 are acitinics and 2 are powerglos.well the damn thing is not working so i took it down and have finaly sent it in for repair.Im using the standard lighting=80 watts now until it is back and working.My problem is that my wife bought a hatain(not sure on sp)anenome(bright orange base/pedal with long light brown tentacles.she said she told the lfs man my light story and he said light was not a major factor with this anenome.its been 2 days and so far so good it takes krill from me and looks ok.however if it does live when my lights come back how should i start them interval wise?currently my lights run 16 hrs but only because they are so weak. thanks


SLOWLY. Anemones still get there nutrition from zooxanthellae. If you increase lighting suddenly, the algae will photosynthesise far faster than the anemone is used to and this can be fatal.
Add one light each 1-2 weeks and slowly increase the time it is on each day over that time.


New Member

Originally posted by clayton:
SLOWLY. Anemones still get there nutrition from zooxanthellae. If you increase lighting suddenly, the algae will photosynthesise far faster than the anemone is used to and this can be fatal.
Add one light each 1-2 weeks and slowly increase the time it is on each day over that time.


New Member
Originally posted by greg:
thanks clayton i will do i ok feeding these anenomes everyday or is every 2-3 days ok?also what should i be feeding them besides krill?thanks