change to l/s


I am going to be changing from c/c to l/s. My husband had an idea of doing like we did when we were painting and had to move the fishtank. Here is the idea:
Drain 3/4 water into clean container at my two small fish and cleaner shrimp along with about 10 blue leg crabs. Take out the c/c and then add the l/s. Then return the water and friends back to tank.
Will this Work? Do I need to worry about the tank recycling? If it does will I loose whats in it? Will 20 # be enough for 40 gal f/o? I would like to add l/r as well, but was going to start with the sand first.
this should work. you dont have to worry about cycling because healthy ls has beneficial bacteria in it. you should place the live rock directly on the tank floor first then put the sand around it. 20 lbs of ls should be enough for a 40g.GOOD LUCK