Changed to DSB


New Member
I finally did it. I changed my 40 gal reef from cc to live sand. It was a chore, but it looks great. Thanks to all who gave me suggestions along the way including Mr Salty!
Which are the best invertebrates and fish to get to help keep it clean and are enjoyable to watch in the sand. I currently have a salfin tang, lawnmoyer blemmy and 2 perc clowns plus snails, cleaner shrimp and blue legged hermits.


I would agree with the sailfin tang being too big a fish for a 40, but you might be ok for a while, not really ideal for that small of a tank.
As far as the DSB, you made a good choice! I would highly recommend a detrivore kit
to maintain it. LS alone is not always enuf to get the performance that you are looking for in a DSB.
Best of luck.
"Clean-Up Crews", such as sold on this site, and "Detrivore Kits", that are unfortunately not sold on this site, are two entirely different things.
Crews include snails, crabs etc. Detrivores are the vital integral infauna of the bed itself. Worms and much more.