changed to ls now corals are dying


Hye guys...on sunday i changed my tank from cc to ls and now my corals, anemones, and snails are all dying...what is going on water paremters are all great and the same as tehy were before the switch...i am getting a new protein skimmer on friday and thats the only thing different i can think of...pleas somebody help


Active Member
hey i was just a platts burgh last week ....i went to 2 lfs's there. where do you work?
ps:if there was something in your water like maybe ammonia(from cc) then you could have sturred it up and released it.get a good skimmer may help.


also they were all taken out of the tank to switch over and put back only when tank cleared up a bit...there was no air exposure either


i took all the water out -- no chance in ammonia -- tests show no ammonia in water...i dont know if that tests for the gas though
i work at ***** on mcknight road in pittsburgh


Active Member
look** what i mean is that your sand bed sucks up bad stuff and you stirring it up (like your not supposed to) can relase bad long ago did you do this change?


i did not stir up my sand bed... i took all life out before i took cc out...i took all water out in order to get all cc out...put mostly fresh water back in but used a bit of old water as well...there was NO stirring of the sand


ok i siphoned water into buckets (without stirring up cc), then my rock and all other organisms were placed in these buckets. I then siphoned out all the water and scooped out the cc. I wiped and dried the tank out before adding the sand. I added fresh saltwater to tank till about 3/4 from the top of the tank... i waited for the tank to clear up a bit then added rock with no corals/"life" on them to speed up the clearing process. After tank cleared fish, corals, and anemones were all readded to no point did i restir up my sand bed


Active Member
that "fresh saltwater" could be at the wrong salinity..............refractometer?also even though you have your cycled rock but not all the fresh saltwater was cycled.,


salinity is 1.025 ...i also added water that had been in my tank , and biozyme to get some more bateria introduced quickly


Active Member
did you check for nitrIte? you could be going threw a mini cycle.
how much old vs. new water was introduced?


Active Member
What kind of sand did you use? Southdown or something like that it needs to be cured before you add it???