

Im thinking about changing from my 29 gallon tank to a 12g nano, only cuz the fact that it would cost just as much to buy lighting for my 29 gal...and the nano comes set up with lights ready for anemone's. But if i got a 12 g nano...other then my two clowns and my 5 hermit crabs what could i add later? that wouldnt be too much overload. also...what type of coral could i add?
thanks for the help


Active Member
What the watts of the nano lights? It's harder to keep water quality in smaller tanks and anemones need pristine water. You, IMO cannot have to many fish in the nano and keep the quality high as I do not know if they make a skimmer for that.


Active Member
I started out with a 10 gal, I now have a 25 gal. I would not go down in size if I were you. I found the 10 to be a bit boring as I wanted to have some nice fish and you are limited in a 10 or 12 gal.
I would get the lights for your 29 gal as you would be able to have alot more things in there appose to the 12 gal. I know what you are saying about the 12 gal having everything but you will be much happier to have the 29 gal in the end.


The lighting for the 12nano if your talking about JBJ does not have enough lighting to keep a anemone. I wouldnt recommend keeping one unless you upgrade to their metal halides. I say keep your 29gal. BIGGER THE BETTER! :)