

Have new lights(Florescent w/b/216W T6) and new Odyssea CF4 filter. Have I done too much at once. This is very a established tank 10+ years. I havent done a whole lot too it. Was a little scared to venture, things were going along fine. NOW,
?Due to the new lights and filter? I'm not sure if it is red algea or another. It isn't red, its brown and everywhere.
I have read the post and red algea doesn't have to be red and just in spots. It stinks what ever it is. Smells like dead fish Ha Ha
(dead algaes?)
Has about 100lbs live rock, 2 clowns, sailfin tang, BC shrimp, and (black?) angel. snails and crabs. Have added to the snails and crabs several times thru.Could be low on snails? Use RO water prameters are good.
Have been doing water changes every weekend. Stiring things up (probably defeating my purpose) and cleaning sides.
Forums, ideas ????also what are you thoughts on Antired. Thank in advance!


Staff member
Can you post a picture of it? Is it diatoms? What do you use for your source water?


Have Ro unit in house. Im not a good picture person. All I have is my cell phone. Call me stupid , what are diatoms?


Conscientious Marine Aquarist This this the best book? Will it answer my stupid question,"What is diatoms?" I figuring it is a type of algea. I ask questions on this site that I should probably know. So is this the book I need? I don't see it on this site? Am I missing it here?