Changing a MArine tank to Reef??


New Member
I have a 55gl tank with fake coral etc.... and crushed coral on the bottom. I would like to change it to a reef tank! I have approx. 6 fish. How difficult will this be and can I do it and How to do it!!!


Active Member
first i would recommend to sit down, and write a list of what you want to accomplish with this tank, i.e. corals, fish inverts...etc...
Get a book about reef keeping.
Change the crushed coral to a DSB (deep sand bed) around 4-6" of sand. You can use dead sand, Preferrably southdown or aragonite, then seed it with live sand.
Make sure the fish you have are reef safe.
save money to upgrade your lighting and buy a protein skimmer.
Look into making a sump/refugium.
most of all, research research research!