Changing CC for Sand Bed


I have decided to make the plunge and change the CC (that my LFS said would be great) for a DSB. I have a 26G and have ordered 40 LBS of Nature's Ocean Bio Activ Aragonite - Live sand.
Does anyone have experience with this product?
Any tips or ideas for changing CC to DSB?
I am thinking that I will have more then enough to have 1 1/2-2 inches.


Active Member
i have used they use fish nets to clear it out but it is going to be manual labor. good choice, i have a sand bed for my 55 and m hoping to do it for my 20 one day. but no time to do so.


Active Member
i transfered all my water from my 55 to rubbermaid containers(with inhabitants of course) and left maybe 2 inches of water in with the CC. I used a dustpan(clean) to scoop out all the CC and dumped the nasty water. I rinsed the tank out and put in the sand. Put a trash bag on top of the sand and added water. This cut the cloudiness down to about 8 hours then I added fish and rocks. It also gave me the oppurtunity to clean everything and do a 25% water change for kicks.
BTW: 1-11/2" isnt considered a dsb, more like 4-6" but I only have a 2" sandbed in my tank and it looks much better then the CC.


Active Member
I did the same thing you did - replaced cc with the Oceans LS. I did the rubbermaid from Target thing also. Kept most of the same water I had and basically did a small water change. Cleaned the tank...Cloudiness was not a factor.
Do not rinse the LS.
Note your tank will cycle again - maybe a shorter cycle this time, and will happen much quicker.
Hope this helps..


Active Member
Yeah, if your are going to do this, make it at least 4' deep. That is when the denitrification process starts. -good thing