Changing cc to l/s in 125 g


Active Member
Well I'm going to take the dive in the next 2-3 months. I'm changing my c/c to l/s. I'm planning on using southland and seeding it with some L/S. Deciding between a plenum or DSB. While your insights on which one w/b better and how to do it w/b welcomed, my real challenge is how do I successfully get the c/c out, replace it with the sand and not lose any specimens. The tank is fully stocked with fish and 100lbs. of live rock along with a couple of hairy mushrooms. Your thoughtful and thorough advice as well as experience w/b appreciated.


I did the same thing a few months back in our 75 gallon... People told me it would be a piece of cake, and since I was using "preseeded" southdown, and some Arag-Alive, and some "sludge" from my LFS's curing tank, I would be fine. Well, I took everything out and put them in the large tubs (don't forget heaters and something to move the water around). I was down to only a few inches of water in the tank before I started scooping out the CC. I scooped some out into pieces of pantyhose and made easily removed balls of CC that is full of good bacteria that would end up staying in the tank for about 4 weeks. Boy did that water turn brown, and I mean like mud! This was about 9 months after I set up the tank, so I can't imagine how bad some tanks are that are running more than that. Just a bigger reason to swap. Anyway, I couldn't even see through the muck. When I got to the bottom, I knew that there was more CC in there, but I couldn't see it.
Anyway, out to the back yard with the tank to be hosed out. Ahh. Nice and clean....
Then Back inside... I put some water from the tubs into the tank, plus a little bit extra that I saved, and started putting the "preseeded" southdown sand in... Boy does that stuff get cloudy quick.... I put the southdown around some new lace rock that I was using to build up a nice solid base for the live rock. I then added the 3 bags of Arag-Alive into the tank. This stuff doesn't cloud the tank, but the tank was already cloudy. I then kept building up the live rock, connecting it with some of that putty type aquarium epoxy. Adding water to keep everything covered. Then, once almost full, I turned on all of the pumped again to get things moving, and for the canister to clear up the water. A few hours later, once pH, Salinity, Temp (etc, etc) were in check, I moved the few corals back into the tank, and then the fish.... Everything looked really nice....For a few days...
Ammonia spike! I am thinking, "What is going on here, I have a 75 gallon tank, 100 pounds of southdown (preseeded for about 4 weeks), 60 pounds of arag-alive (live aragonite), plus about 8 large balls of crushed coral, not to mention, I added 30 more pounds of live rock (In addition to the 80 pounds I already had) that I was using to preseed the southdown." The corals looked the worst the fastest, then the live rock started turning white (die off, more ammonia)... Water change, etc, etc... That is when I discovered it. Our town started adding ammonia in the tap water, which had always tested great. I started adding AmQuel to detox the ammonia, but I wanted it out of their.
To cut to the chase, I ordered an R/O unit, but until it came, was doing masive water changes every day with good water (nobody around me sells R/O water) from my Grandmother's house, a nice 45 minute drive away. I also added, just for fun, another 20 pounds of Arag-Alive, and some Stress-Zyme to help boost the bacteria in there... Sure enough, the levels started dropping.
We did end up loosing 1 coral, and some snails. Now, about 10 weeks later, things look great. The corals are fully open a lot, the live rock has regained it's purple color, and is spreading to some of the "less purple" rock. The fish are loving the additional live rock, and best of all, the water tests are great again. No more (or at least, not much) Nitrates.
Good luck, it will be worth the effort. Just make sure that you test everything, and plan for a full day, just in case. I started at about 8:00am on a saturday, and was done around 4:30pm just in time to shower and get ready to attend a wedding at 6:00pm... I should have planned on more time....


Originally posted by flamehawk:
<STRONG>Well I'm going to take the dive in the next 2-3 months. I'm changing my c/c to l/s. I'm planning on using southland and seeding it with some L/S. Deciding between a plenum or DSB. While your insights on which one w/b better and how to do it w/b welcomed, my real challenge is how do I successfully get the c/c out, replace it with the sand and not lose any specimens. The tank is fully stocked with fish and 100lbs. of live rock along with a couple of hairy mushrooms. Your thoughtful and thorough advice as well as experience w/b appreciated.</STRONG>
:( :confused: I do not know the big DEAL bout' SAND BASES... I have BOTH CC and Live Sand in MY Tanks.... it gives all types of critters a place to live and hide ;) , I have the CC on one side and the sand on the other.... it supports all kind of sea life!!!! I also have a tank set up with a PLENUM... it is some pvc pipe cut 1/2" pcs. to hold up the egg create(plastic light fixture)on top of that I have fiberglass screening with a fine AQUA GRAVEL and sand mix about 2" deep.... then some more screen (fiberglass) and 3&1/2" of sand(live) on top of that!!!! it has been running fine for the last 8 yrs that way... it is basicly a 75 reef with live rock, shrooms, leathers, Hammer, Polyops, blue & red hermits, snails(margeritas,mexican turbo's) serpant star, peppermint & cleaner shrimp, Emerald & Sally , Male & Female Mandrine, Six-Line Wrasse, Trio-of Percs, Key hole Angel, a whole lot of critters... a bunch of shells (homes for hermits) :D ...... and so on!!!!
GOOD LUCK, I'll let someone else speak now..


Active Member
JWT- Thanks for taking the time to go into such great detail. It has restored my confidence in this sight which was beginning to go. I will follow your process step by step but will wait until after the holidays to tackle this. Can you also share with me how many inches of sand base do you have? Some beilieve you should put down the l/r directly on the glass bottom rather then on the sand. Your thoughts? Thanks again.
To all( including JWT),
Pleneum VS. DSB? WHAT is an effective pleneum set-up? Thanks.


Active Member
CAn't find southdown, only quickrite. Would like southdown, any suggestions. I live in central Jersey and home depot doesn't carry it, at least not around here. Thanks.


you can use Quickrete. Many will say don't go for it, while many will say "no problem". Me, I have no idea as I never used it but too many negative comments somewhat kept me away. May be Aragonite would be your choice if you don't use Quickrete. Or try ----, good deal on LS last time I checked.


Active Member
I just changed my CC out for LS - used bateria rich 20lbs and 20 lbs of marine sand ($7.00 for 10 lbs)and mixed the LS with the marine sand. (55 Gall Tank with LR) I then slowly (about an hour) scooped the CC with a plastic cup (without removing the LR or the animals (too many inverts/feather dusters/hermits to count) without too much mess at all - take your time scooping and bringing the cup to the surface. Slowly pour the CC into your container looking for live animals ans returned them into the tank.I did half the tank one day (for an hour) and the other half the second day. I placed the CC into old RO gall jugs (slowly sifting them into the containers and again placed anything moving (or nice looking sizable pieces of shell/coral and put them back into the tank.
Your tank will cycle again - slightly (ammonia 0.25, nitrite 0) within 2 days all was well.