Changing colors??


What does it mean when your damsel fish changes colors. Yesterday i bought four damsles to help my tank cycle. I bought two blue, and two blue with yellow tails. The man told me they would buddy up with each other, but i think the one that changes to back and then back to blue is scared.
What does this mean??


Active Member
Your right,
They get progressively darker as they get mad/annoyed/feel threatened/have a bad day, etc.
Damsels don't often pair up. Having more in a tank tends to spread their aggression so they don't fight as much. Damsels are very territorial and unless you like/want to keep only them I would suggest taking them back.
Some ppl have had good success with damsels and enjoy them, most tho start with them to cycle (me included), get attached and decide to keep them. Then you buy another fish or they grow up and cute little mr/mrs damsel become Mike Tyson on steroids(sp).... anyway after loosing a couple of chromis' and chasing the little buggers around my tank/rock for hours I have decided to never own another damsel.... unless I do just a damsel tank, or get a REALLY big tank. Another tip is to add them last to a tank.
I really liked my domino damsel and hated to see him go, but he thought all 90gallons belonged to him.
Good luck
[ August 26, 2001: Message edited by: fender ]