Changing filter pad= Losing some bio ability?


I have a 55g and maybe 30 lbs of live rock in my tank. I also use a millenium 2000 with area for filter pads that I like for their ability to help keep the tank clean. I recently got a skimmer, but am still tweaking it.
Question of the day is....
#1 If rinse them each week with my water changes, when is best to replace it with a new one? When they are tattered?
#2 And will I lose some bio ability????


I don't use filter media, (just live rock/live sand), but I think this is correct:
1. The pads aren't anything special are they? I mean they are just basically plastic sponges without any activated carbon or phosphate remover or other chemicals. If that's the case, you may theoretically never need to replace them. The big thing to watch out for is stuff getting caught in them and rotting... of course that is what the rinsing is for...
2. If you replace them then you will lose some bio ability, but it shouldn't be major, especially if you don't replace them all at once. Rinsing will cause some of the bacteria to die too, but that won't be enough to make a difference.
I hope I lived up to the anticipation...


Active Member
The biofiltration ability of filter media pales in comparison to your sand and live rock. Although you would be better of with at least 50 pounds of live rock in your tank, you are fine in replacing your filter media. If you use a sponge/floss media, I actually recommend cleaning it daily.
Not to worry though, cleaning your filter media in a tank with live rock/sand can be compared to turning off a ceiling fan in a wind tunnel.


Agreed... you will lose 10 million bacteria, but the other 50 billion in the pad will survive... not to mention the 100 trillion in the live rock/live sand :)


Originally Posted by ohiorn67
Hi Fishhead81, where are ya in nashville? I am in new to saltwater??
I'm in the boro, I visit franklin somewhat regularly though. Ya i've been into SWF for about 2 months? I can't get enough!


Active Member
I'm in Clarksville, TN. We are starting up a marine society if you are interested, email me: Make sure you say something about saltwaterfish in the title or my spam blocker might delete it :)