Changing filters


I have a 46 gal bow front FOWLR. Right now im running a magnum 350 canister filter with the pro 60 bio wheels. I want to change that filter to a wet/dry trickle filter in a 20 gal sump. How should I go about changing out the filters? Should let both filters run on the tank for about a month so the bacteria can build up on the bio balls of the new filter? Any advice would be helpful.


Active Member
You should let both filters run on the tank for about 3 months. your new filter will take a while to develop into a stable bio filter. While it grows your other filter will do the work.
What is your logic in changing filtration?

aqua blue

Hello c_bell.
Just curious as to how long you used the magnum 350 w/biowheels?
What is your opinion of that filter?
And why are you changing?
I have been thinking about changing to that type of filter.
Have you ever used the cleaning attachment to siphon out old water and siphon in new water using the filters pump to do the water changes?
I thought that may be an advantage in doing water changes if it would work with that filter system.


I've been using the filter for about 8 months. The reason im changing filters is because I have an extra overflow and return pump and I can get the wet/dry for pretty cheap. I want to make this tank a reef tank so I thought a sump would be a nice addition. As for the magnum 350, the filter is excellent. I'm going to move it over to my 29 gal. and take the bio wheel 330 that's on that tank and use it for my q-tank. I have not use the siphon hose during water change because I have a DSB, I think for vacuuming CC.


One other thing I forgot to mention. The tank is a 46 gal and theres is about 65# of LR and a 4" dsb. I've been told I could go W/O a filter, but I would rather not. Would the same method still apply, let the other filter run for about 3 month to build up the bacteria?


Active Member
If you have LR and a DSB you will probalby not use the Wet/dry for anything but water flow and put all yor other stuff in there:
Heater, Skimmer, water changes, water top off, Kalkawasser return, UV filter, heck - light the thing and you could make it a refugium
Other wise you may filter too much.


Active Member
Oh Yeah - fi you have the LR/DSB you don't have to wait for the filter to mature - just pull the other one off and add the new one. the natural filter will work just fine.


Good point ocellaris_keeper and thanks for your replies. I think i need to update my DSB though. Before I found this site I bought several bags of Natures Ocean aragonite LS thinking i was getting real LS, but come to find out its just "live" bacteria. Not the "real live" sand thats sold on this site, with the worms, pods and all the other stuff that comes with it. :confused:

aqua blue

Hey c_bell.
Thanks for the feedback. It is good to get info from someone using the filter as opposed to someone trying to sell it.
I realize that you would not use the cleaning attachment to vaccum debri since you have a dsb.
I was thinking more on the lines of disconecting the outflow and connecting another line to pump old water out of the tank. And then reconnecting the outflow and disconecting the intake. Then connecting another line to the intake to pump the new water into the tank.
Just thinking about a good filter system that may do some of the work during a water change.
Good Luck with your filter upgrade.:)