changing filtration?


I have a 137 gallon tank that is mostly fish at this time. Have a fluval 404 filter, under gravel filters, Prizm Skimmer? ( also have a 2nd Prizm I can use if needed) We have ordered VHO lights so we can have some reef stuff. Don't think and want an actual reef tank, but just some live rock, mushrooms, etc. Therefore, it will be harder to move things and vacuum. Should I remove the undergravel filters and crushed coral, and go to sand? That way if I get more carried away with the corals etc. I would be all set? Would I have enough filtration without the undergravel? ;)


IMO, i would get rid of all three, the UGF, CC and the Fluval and go with the DSB with some LR and your skimmers.with these you should have a good biological(and mechanical) filtration system.
I would definitely get rid of the undergravel filter and hey maybe even the CC. With ls you don't have to even vaccuum it all you have to do is occasionaly stir around the top layer if you have a diatom build up. UGF are a pain. I work at our LFS and have seen how the UGF works. I just don't like them because it pulls all the gunk to the bottom of the tank and some will get stuck on your substrate thus in no time you will have a nasty mess on your substrate. Just go with your skimmers and a DSB. Thats all me and my boyfriend have, and it works great.


I hate to sound stupid and as soon as you tell me I'll probably hit my head in frustration, but what does DSB stand for.I figured out all the other abreviations,but not that one :confused: