Changing from a fish only to a reef tank


New Member
I have a 70 gallon fish only tank that has been established for 5 years. I would like to start adding corals to change my tank to a reef tank. I am looking for help with picking the lighting and any other assistance that you would like to offer in helping make this change. Thanks.


Active Member
What kind of lights do you have now? Many here run metal halides, T5HO, LED's, if you use the search feature on this site you will find a lot of information. I have a 65 gallon reef and run 4 T5HO - 39watts 2 daylight two actinics - I am planing to add another two very shortly, good luck site is a bit slow tonight but some one will chime in. Also is your tank 36 or 48 inches long.


Well-Known Member

Best lights you can afford and reef safe fish..reef tanks are easy ..start with soft corals and stuff like Xenia and mushrooms