Changing From CC To Sand And Curing LR


I have 2 questions to ask. First is Im in the process of taking my crushed coral out of my aquarium and putting sand instead in. This tank is full of water and is 125g... I just about have it all out... then Im gonna start putting my sand in a plastic cup and lowering that cup down to the bottom very slowly and letting the sand out. This is not live sand... but I figure its better then coral any day and I will rinse it very good before I put it in. My aquarium has already went through its cycle, would this make it cycle again?? Also I want to cure my LF myself and could someone please tell me exactly how to do it? I would truely appreciate it if someone could.


Active Member
do you have any fish in the tank? Did you test the sand if it is safe to use? You put venegar(sp) on the sand and if it sizzles then it is sake to use.
If you have no living things in the tank then just put the rock in the water and wait about a month and it should be cured. You can put some raw shrimp in the to help get the cycle started. Pleaee dont use a damsel or another fish, they arent needed.