Changing From CC To Sand


New Member
Im wanting to change from CC to sand.
Ive had my 55 FO for two years now.
Can I just get normal play sand from a local hardware store?
Should I sterelize it, if so how?
Is it ok to just empty out the tank and remove the cc and add the sand?
Im removing 2 - 3 inches of cc and replacing it with 1 inch of sand


yep normal play sand
as far as sterilizing it no, here's what i did but you might want some other opinions first. i soaked mine for a few days and just kept changing the water on it so it wouldn't be so cloudy:eek:
i just emptied the tank except for about an inch of water took out the cc and put in the sand but you might want to think about going with a deeper sand bed:yes:
then just put all your water back in
but i am no expert so see what everybody else says


I also put some of my cc in pantyhose and set it in the tank and then took 1 out everyday until they were gone. This will let the critters move into the sand.


you want "tropical Play sand" from not just any play sand IMO.
Make sure you take all the water you possiably can out. Do you have a place to put your fish?


New Member
what about having half the tank CC and the other half sand...?
I have a star fish and I understand this will be derimental to live sand... So If I had half and half would this help.