Changing from crushed coral to live sand


New Member
I am thinking about taking some/all of the crushed coral in my tank and adding live sand to the tank.. Do you guys have any suggestion as to what would be the best way to accomplish this and what might I do to minimize problems.. Also what is the difference in cleaning the substrate vs. the live sand.. I guess if you have live sand you do not really need to syphon it like you do with the crushed coral.. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated..



I say WHY DO THAT.... ??? but if you do... make sure you rinse the sand with a good clean salt water solution to get the particals out so your tank is not cloudy after adding it.... good luck


New Member
Why wouldn't I do it? What is your opinion as to why or why I would not do that?? I've heard that no matter what you have in there it will eventually come alive because of the organizms in my live rock.. Is this the same reason you say that??