changing over from freshwater


New Member
I heard bacteria will survive a change over one way.
Will the bacteria survive changing from Fresh to Salt,
or will it only survive changing Salt to Fresh? I was told I may
not have to wait as long to cycle the tank.

david s

I am not sure but I would think the anser is no you would still have to have a full cycle. one thing that comes to my mind have you ever dosed with copper in this fresh water tank if so it may be a problem


Active Member
this topic has come up before, and IMO, the tank will still cycle, most of the bacteria probably will not survive, in fact, iti s my belief that the bacteria is not the same, most species of anything will not survive in both fw and sw(inverts fish and plant)


I switched from fresh to salt and had no cycle. I never recorded any ammonia or nitrites. I used the existing filter from the fresh water tank and a few pieces of live rock (which I am sure helped avoid the cycle also).


Active Member
I changed from fresh to salt with my 29 over 5 years ago.
I decided to play it safe, I gave my FW fish away and cleaned out the tank well.
I bought a new filter, new substrate, new lights, and added LR.
Just my opinion but I feel it was the best way to go.