changing tanks


New Member
now that i have reached the fish limit in my tank... i want a bigger one. . if i was to move to a 55 or 75 gallon can i transfer the water and filter to the new tank along with the fish . or do i have to start from the beginning . ALSO,
has anyone ever had stringrays in there tanks... i know i am a long way off from them . but i wanted some info on them . what size tank do you need and if they are hard to keep and can they be kept with other fish ? :happy: :happy:


i changed from a little 90 litre tank to a 400 letre tank and i think we used some water from the old tank to seed the big one, you will need new filters in the new tank, you will need to keep you current sytem goin and buy a new filter for the big tank, my advice would be to use the filter media in your current tank and place some of it into the new tank as this will mature the new filter quicker, it is importnant not to place all of your fish in at once into the new tank and i would suggest being patient


What type of filtration do you have? If its rated for the larger tank then you will be fine. Do you have live rock? Are you putting sand or CC in the bottom of the new tank? I would use as much of the water as you can from the old system.