cheap chiller


Active Member
whats the cheapest chiller youve seen. i need a chiller for a 90 gallon tank and would like to find a cheap one.
whats the brand of the cheapest chiller you've seen? and what was the price?
thanx reefiness


I use one of the small 1/10th hp Pacifics on my 75 gal Reef with 2 175 halides and 2 96 watt PCs with 4 power heads running inside of tank plus the the sump pump and skimmer pump and stay right at 78 79 degrees even in the middle of summer


Active Member
you need to slow down a don't even have lights and your already looking for the cheapest skimmer, cheapest chiller, you'll probably want the cheapest top off system..
How about saving your money and buy good stuff that will last you a while and work GOOD on your system rather then buy cheap stuff that you'll have to replace because its cheap.


Active Member
yes but i dont have the money right now so thats why im looking cheap... even if it only lasts a few years, ill have the money then.


Active Member
ok im looking at chillers now and all of them have a number for btu's. how much do you think i would need on a 90?


Active Member
Listen to Golfish!!!!!!
Save your money and don't skimp on lights, skimmers or chillers, because the bottom line is the money you thought your saving now will only bite you in the

shortly when you have to replace some peace of junk and spend double the money when you could have done it right the first time!!!!!!!! Do your research extensively on your equipment purchases......Senseless to have a closet full of stuff that doesn't work.....Check out ---- theirs tons of junk there


Active Member
Take a look at this skimmer....
E-mail me if the link gets deleted...Its very easy and cheap to build..
Its stuff like this that can save you money..There is no DYI chiller. I don't care what anybody tells you those tiny fridge chillers don't work. If you look around, do some research you'll find what you need at a good price. If you buy junk, your going to get junk.
If you try just hanging the pendants over the tank you might not need a chiller.


Active Member
ya i no they are all horse power but some of them also have a number for btu (i guess outtake)
also how do you think the 1/10 Hp inline jbj chiller recommended for aquariums up to 130 gallons be for what i need.
its 399 which is about what i think i want to pay


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
also how do you think the 1/10 Hp inline jbj chiller recommended for aquariums up to 130 gallons be for what i need.

I think you'll need at least a 1/4 HP...The JBJ's are probably one of the better made Asiancheap chillers. I'd save you money and buy either a Aqua Logics or better yet a TradeWinds, inline of course.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
it says rated for up to 130...
if thats too small what hp should i be looking at

would you be happy if I said 1/10 hp?