Cheap, Great looking lunar lights!


This maybe should have been in the DIY forum, but i figured what the heck.
I just went to Autozone and bought some mini blue LED lights that are in the "import tuner" section. They are supposed to be in a car shining on the dash or floor, or whatever. They come in a pair. I also bought a female dc (cigarette lighter) plug. The lights come with the male end attached to them. Then i found an old ac to dc home charger for a cordless phone. I cut the end off of it that plugs into the phone and attached the female dc plug to it. The lights had douple sided tape on them, so i mounted them inside my light hood on my tank.
BAMM!! intant lunar lights!! No spot light effect either, the light fans out perfectly in the tank, and gives a nice shimmer on the bottom and on the LR. They are bright enough that the pair was all i needed on a 46 bowfront. It looks VERY good imo. Even if i hadn't done it myself and it was on someone elses tank, i would still say that . :joy:
Anyway, just wanted to share a cheap and easy way to get great looking Lunars for under 20 bucks.


I have the same lights they work great. cost is around 25.00 for the deal, and it has maybe 30 leds in it, Not to much not to little for my 75 gal.


Thanks for the post, I'll be heading to AutoZone today. I was just looking trough a catolog last night and was horrified at the cost of the lunar lights. One light strip was $140. :scared:


not to hijack a thread but somewhere on here I read that Target's christmas lights were on sale and the blue ones looked like lunar lights. I thought what the heck, I'll try it. I bought two sets (the only two left) for about 5.00 each. Now these are 120 volt lights, they are for christmas directions. I spent the next week trying to figure out how to take only 4 or 5 bulbs off the string and make them work. It didn't happen. What a guy at the local electronics store told me that no matter what the box says LED lights are DC current. (like a car battery or just flashlight batteries) AC current is like what you plug a lamp into in your house. Each of these bulbs are 3.2 volts DC current so I bought a AC to DC converter (about $14) this one has DC voltage from 1.5 to about 6 volts. This ran the LED's perfectly. The good thing is each box came with 70 LED's . Just cut the bulbs off, leave a little wire to hook them up and your good to go. 70 bulbs for about $20. I could put lunar lights on all kinds of tanks..


There are much cheaper ways around pet store products. Anytime you buy lighting for aquariums that state (for aquarium use you pay out the nose.)