Cheap lights.


New Member
So the MH lights with remote ballasts would run me probably 500-600 bucks.
I found what I would call a shop light that has the ballast and light enclosed in the same case for $98 each. Add the proper HQI 20k lights and I would be saving about $250. I am thinking of building a hood and mounting the lights on the outside of the canopy. So I would be cutting holes in the top in which the lights would sit. This way I have removed the heat issue of having the ballast and bulb enclosed in the tank though I still plan to have a cooling fan.
Does this sound like it would work, minus the asthetically appealing exposed light fixture? Any other ideas would be appreciated.


Active Member
HQI lamps require an HQI ballast to run. Most metal halide fixtures for outdoor, warehouse lights, etc are all probe start ballasts, which will not ignite an HQI lamp.
It should work if you use single ended, non HQI, probe start lamps.