Cheap Lights

true perc

I'm fairly new to the reef hobby and I want another reef tank. But I want it very small and so that I have to work. I currently own myself a 37 Gallon with a sebae and two clowns. So today I was looking at some small tanks but then I remembered that you need lights so I looked at and there was a guy using 13 watt pc lamps 9.25" long and 2" diamater they were called Bookworm Lights. They were enclosed In what looks to be a water thight plastic casing and even had a reflector on the inside!!! They were 20.00!!! Now mind you that is American and I'm Canadian but that is still a deal.
But my question is would these really support corals if I had them in a 5 gallon or a 2.5 Gallon I mean in a five there would be over 4 watts per gallon and in a two there would be Over 9 watts!!
Please do yourself a BIG favor and do LOTS and LOTS of research on establishing and maintaining a successful nano reef tank before you attempt it. Your wallet and reef inhabitants will thank you! :)

true perc

When I say that I'm fairly new I mean that I have had my tank for three months I have been reading on tanks and fish for about two years now. Also I did not plan to set up the tank right away I do not know eenough on my own tank I was just wondering if they would do any good at lighting a 2.5 gallon tank. You never answered my question anyways you just assumed I knew nothing. So can you answer my question?


New Member
NO thats not enuf light man not for corals at least
save some $$ and get tha $h!# M H that is
this hobby is not cheap. homes.:cool:

true perc

so ur saying that i put a mh in a 2.5 gallon tank?? wouldn't that be a bit of an overkill. If so how many watts of light would the MH have to be putting out?


New Member
2.5 g man sorry my bad.
i dont kow man u should search for nano reefs
to get some info i have no idea with that small of tank.