cheap refugium setup?


Active Member
stupid question, but i'm pretty sure stupid questions asked first get the charm. any used refuges for sale? i can stock it, i just need the area. they seem to be going for an outrageous price around here.
give me size and price and i might buy three or four.


What size are you looking for?
Can make any size you need, HOB or in Sump......


Active Member
i was thinking about hanging it off a side actually. i have a 55 going now, but in august when i move i'm going to make my 125 salt. so maybe a price on a 12"(it may need to be 11" to fit) and i believe my 125 is 18" (whatever the typical 6ft 125 sides are) i could use it behind my 55 until the move, then side it on the 125 after.


Check the following link out, for the HOB fuge, I'll have pictures up on the sump design.
As far as costs it all depends on size. We havn't realy though of how much to charge yet. but I don't see it beening that much.
click me